Thursday 23 February 2012

Wings... Flying High

Wings... Flying High

Some times her eyes appear blank, and lethargic too. It makes me guilty. She, more than a friend to me, was not like that until she was thrown into an unwanted married life.
I have to use words like ‘unwanted’ or ‘unnecessary’ to describe her marriage.
Because it was so...

She had to be the victim of the conventional outlook of marriage; a girl has to be married off in her twenties itself, about a decade ago. Everyone including herself knew that the man she was going to marry was not at all of her wavelength at any point.

Yet, she had to.

She had to because she was too naïve and loving to hurt her parents, relatives and friends.
Her parents, with their limited financial background, couldn’t ‘buy’ a man of her aptitude or calibre. They were helpless indeed.

She, an ardent lover of literature and writing, stood bewildered at the hard phases of life. She began to know that life was not a beautiful love story she used to read.
Her story is not complete yet, as she is on the threshold of a divorce.

It’s true, marriage and motherhood make a woman complete.

No doubt about that.

But is there any point in marrying off girls just for the sake of a conventional unwritten rule or to complete a parental duty before they are prepared for a married life?

I think, no.

In our society, by the time when girls step in their early twenties, the parents begin to face questions about their marriage. No wonder, they become anxious about daughters. Three things appear before them, higher education, job and marriage. In most cases, marriage weighs more and parents go for it. They do not even bother if their child is mature enough for a nuptial knot. But have to admit one thing; there is a noticeable change in the attitude within the last decade.

Daughters are precious; everyone knows.

But at the same time, they are the weightless baggage for their parents.
Though weightless, they have to be kept somewhere safely.

The duty of parenthood…

It’s despairing indeed, no one thinks about the sacrifice the girls are doing to make their parents and society happy.
Let them too have a role in their life, at least in deciding the right time for their marriages. Be it at twenties...thirties…forties.

One of my friends, in her mid thirties, is still unmarried. I couldn’t find any shadows of regret in her eyes yet. She hasn’t told anyone the reason behind and she seems to be happy with her life. When I met her recently, she told me that her relatives are very suspicious about her. They might be burning their brain thinking what could be the reason. She was laughing saying this.

I’m not advocating that she is right or wrong. It’s her life, let her choose the path.
Why others are too bothered to find the reason behind her spinsterhood? It may be the natural tendency of human beings to peep into others life.

It’s merciless to cut off the beautiful wings of a butterfly before it starts to fly.
Instead of crushing the dreams, be proud to see it flying high.

High in the air fluttering freely through the charming beauty of nature...

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